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Green Gelao

Critically endangered, around 300 native speakers. 

The Kra–Dai language family includes the Gelao cluster (autonym: Kláo, Chinese: Glo, Vietnamese: C Lao). The Gelao people of southern China and northern Vietnam speak it. Only a few thousand people speak Gelao in China, despite a population of 580,000 according to the 2000 census. Li estimated 3,000 in China in 1999, with 500 monolinguals, and Edmondson estimated 7,900 in 2008. According to Edmondson (2002), only about 350 people speak the three Gelao forms in Vietnam. 

Demographic of speakers:

It is mainly used in the central and western parts of Guizhou Province, Maguan and Malipo counties in southeastern Yunnan Province, and some villages in Longlin County, Guangxi.


Diller, Anthony, Jerry Edmondson, Yongxian Luo. (2008). The Tai–Kadai Languages. London [etc.]: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-7007-1457-5.

Li, Jinfang 李锦芳; Yang, Liuyan 阳柳艳. 2016. Guizhou Shuicheng Gelaoyu chutan 贵州水城仡佬语初探. In Minzu Yuwen 民族语文 2016(3):70-81.

Qingzhen Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau [清镇市民族宗教事务局]. 2004. The Gelao people of Qingzhen City [清镇仡佬族]. Guiyang: Guizhou People's Press [贵州民族出版社]. ISBN 7541212148

Green Gelao: Publications
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